5 Tips to Make the Most of Your Holidays
1- Try something new.
Be brave and be open to newexperiences. From trying out theViking Costal Trail to canoeingdown the Stour River to learninghow to take beautifulphotographs of the Kentishseaside. You’ll return back homewith a new skill.
2- Create Memories.
Create a travel diary where youcan stick photographs and writeabout what you did each day.Once you are back home you willbe able to re-live and share allyour holiday memories withfamily and friends.
3- Don´t overload your schudle.
As much as we all like to check offthe “Top 10” of our holidays, youmust remember: quality overquantity. Trying to squeeze in allthe attractions into one day willonly bring you stress, and that isnot what holidays are for.
4- Go with the flow.
Specially when travelling as a group,you will need to make compromises.Sometimes you will have to go alongwith it, even if it wasn’t what you hadin mind.
Knowing this before you goon holiday will save yourself fromfrustration.